Client Testimonials
“My sessions with Adri were invaluable to assist me in getting out of a rut in my life. She is like a mirror that reveals necessary changes to be made in one’s life. Since then, I have experienced peace and can identify when I’m heading towards the same pattern. She does this in a loving and caring manner and allows you to realise what you already know to be true.”
– Daniel, Cape Town, South Africa.
“Allowing Adri to work with me on my goals really shaped my thinking and perspective on life. She is very compassionate in her engagement and always leaves room for you to be yourself. The tools she offered me in the months that we met up, I am still implementing. She helped me discover and unfold the things that kept me bounded. With her guidance I was able to set boundaries and stick with it. My life has truly transformed and I am eternally grateful to her.”
– Sara Allelluia, Cape Town, South Africa.
“Adri coached me through a period of great transition and uncertainty with the utmost care and keen insight. I felt heard, seen and empowered to make choices. I am immensely grateful for her gentle guidance, practical tools and personalised themes that helped me find my voice, sharpen my focus and walk through fear with compassion. Highly recommended.”
– Lezanne van Heerden, Cape Town, South Africa
“I was lucky to have Adri as a coach during her coach training. She helped me see something in myself that I had hidden under a big pile of ‘life mess’. Accessing this ‘superpower’ helped me to show up stronger and more confident. I was quite blown away at how much can be achieved in a short coaching program. Recommended!”
– Yael Duncan, Zurich, Switzerland
“Adri pulled me through the most difficult time of my life when the doctor couldn’t cure me. She has taken me from living life as a First Aid Kit (and working myself into the ground) to becoming a Lighthouse for my community. She taught me how to use the right tools in the community and not make myself sick in the process of serving others. What an amazing mentor she was and to this day I’m still using those tools over and over again. Today I can also help other people with the challenges that they face, using what I learned through coaching.”
– Antionette Serrone, Fisantekraal President of the Lion’s Club International
“Before I began my sessions with Adri, I had never heard of a life coach before. Now I can’t recommend getting someone like Adri enough. She helped me realise certain aspects of myself I had never taken the time to consider before, and has helped me find the means to move forward and keep up that pace for many years to come.”
– Michael Strugnell, Cape Town, South Africa
“Getting a life coach was never something I thought I would ever do. I was raised to believe that we don’t talk about our issues, we just find a way to move each day and just get on with it. That is until I got an opportunity to be coached by Adri. After just one session, I realised that I was carrying so much and unnecessarily at that. Adri offered me the space to realise what I was capable of in a gentle, thoughtful manner. I came to enjoy our sessions. They left me feeling connected, grounded and like I could do anything I set my mind to. My biggest achievement in our coaching journey is realising that I am enough.”
– Nwabisa Luzipho, Cape Town, South Africa
“What a wonderful experience being coach by Adri Rosenthal! Adri is attentive, honest, genuine and kind. She deeply, deeply cares about people and their well-being, and she has such a beautiful way of explaining hard truths. Her gentle way of speaking made me feel at ease and I felt free to be completely transparent from the very beginning. I believe I was able to benefit so much more from our sessions simply because of this! I will forever cherish Adri and the impact her sessions have had on my life!!”
– Caitlin, Cape Town, South Africa
Testimonials from peers
My coach training has been such a transformative experience, and a big part of this is the ongoing community with my fabulous fellow coaches whom I value deeply. A cadre of people dedicated to developing themselves, supporting each other, serving our clients and building bridges. A bunch of people who stubbornly insist on living from a place of abundance and are not afraid to see and celebrate the good in others. I highly recommend you check out their work!
What is not lost on me is that a few years ago people would’ve been writing about my intelligence more than my care – this is what my ego was based on as Enneagram 5: being insightful, competent, thoughtful, observant, and able to concentrate on developing complex ideas and skills. I see the magic happening in the space where compassion and skillful means overlap.
Hear what a few of them have to say about me now:
“It was wonderful to share this path of transformation with you. What I most appreciate about you is your warmth, openness and authenticity. You have such a wonderful way of being and your realness allows others to be real as well. You truly are magical!” Yumna Tayob: FNB Human Capital Business Transformation Lead (PCC).
“What I appreciate most about you is your care. Your presence enables this quality to shine through every time you share the captivating paragraphs of your story with us. It has been a great pleasure and a profound honour to have engaged on this beautiful journey with you. I celebrate you.” Anele Qoma: Quest Coaching & Consulting (PCC).
“It’s really been a pleasure to walk this path with you, you are such an amazing person. I think your coachees and anyone who walks in your path will always feel held from a deep sense of caring, even from an emotional space. I also appreciate very much how you are so thorough in what you do, and so focused in terms of the deadlines, being aware, and holding each one of us around what’s coming next, when is what due.” Beaver Moyo: Manager at Astron Energy (PCC pod).
“The first thing that came to my mind was the emotional sensitivity and attunement. I just have this sense of that emotional connection. It’s like you’re channeling stuff. I think that’s a great strength of yours. You understand that growth is linked to being vulnerable, and some people don’t get that. I appreciated your generous sharing of resources, all the different things you shared in the group. It’s one of your gifts. Lastly, just helping the pod stay organised. So there’s a mother hen that’s organised. Bless you for that.” Don Shay: Coach and Artist’s Way facilitator, Artesian Life (PCC pod).
“You have shared many wonderful insights with everyone with kind spontaneity. You have a great gift of compassion for everyone. I see your essential positive quality as love, which you express with your bubbly personality.” Tyrone Gower: Executive Head – Lending ILS (PCC).
“I appreciate your energy and the way you bring yourself as you are – you showed up authentically. Sharing the beautiful clips and articles. I pray that you are blessed with great godly wisdom, strength, divine health, peace and joy.” Gloria Silinda: Business Relationship Manager at the South African Reserve Bank (PCC).
“I appreciate how you bring all of you to all of us. I love how you are always ready to share your emotions and thoughts while holding space for us. We did our CfD together so I really feel that we have walked this journey together. Your gift is humanity, thank you for sharing. Please appreciate how your care positively impacts each and every one you encounter.” Hayley Kuhn: Business consultant, coach and leadership development (CfD and PCC).
“You have the most tender heart I have witnessed in a long time. It is so beautiful, and I am inspired by the lives it will touch in this lifetime. Wishing you all the best on the journey ahead – I am inspired to imagine where your love will take you.” Kristin Ransome: Leadership Coach, Empowering Joy at Work (PCC).
“What I appreciate about you is your warmth and dedication in this coaching journey. You go out of your way to make others feel valued. You have a big caring heart.” Naumi Sithole: Executive coach and author (PCC).
“The world will be a better place because of your gift to humanity. Your ability to hold the space for those who are stuck is heartening. Congrats on taking yet another leap on this journey to transform others. Namaste.” Donna Fata: Corporate Affairs Executive, Astron Energy (CfD pod)

“Kindness informed by wisdom is the foundation of our coaching work.”
James Flaherty, the father of Integral Coaching